
Join Team Turtle today and help the fight against ocean pollution!

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August 2, 2017

SEA LIFE Arizona partners with SEA LIFE Trust to work together to protect sea turtles across the globe. Plastic pollution in our oceans is a major problem for turtles and some studies show that up to 80% of young turtles have plastic in their stomachs. This plastic can lead to digestive issues for turtles and ultimately can cause starvation or death.

In order to save the turtles, you can sign up to be a member of Team Turtle today! These are some of the easy ways that you can help:

• Always use a bag for life when you’re shopping
• Carry a reusable water bottle
• Use a reusable coffee cup
• Reduce, reuse, and recycle what you can
• Take part in beach and litter cleans
• Choose sustainably sourced seafood
• Say no to plastic straws and stirrers

Join Team Turtle Today!

Bring your kids in free this month using the code MacKidsKGF! You’ll receive a free child’s ticket for every full price adult ticket purchased. Buy your tickets today!